Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Dramas Of The Day And Past Week

This morning I came out to Prince's paddock and discovered a sagging fence. From what i can tell from the long farrow past the fence line and the missing fence standard, is that Prince either decided to go for a gallop and ran straight into the fence, got hooked up and got a shock and then bolted back the other way leaving a farrow. The standard then went flying, landing by his feed bucket.
  i had to move him out of the paddock anyway because he had no grass, so i just picked up the standard and drove into the ground, pushing down the electric fence- which by the way i had turned off. i sent him over and we walked (well i walked he trotted) to the goat paddock (named that obviously due to the fact that it used to be the goat paddock) and he trotted through (he seemed to be doing a lot of that) and i jumped him over a pile of leaves and a branch and fired him into the paddock.
On Friday last week, i rode prince in the home paddock. I got him to do trotting poles (Spare fence battens), jumping (over a drum), sideways over a pole, pole bending, and we rode.
   When i rode him, i did pole bending which with his normal savvy flew through them.. and then we did trotting poles- what a disaster! he just wanted to canter up to the other side of the paddock completely missing them. i strongly SUGGESTED for him to trot over them and he responded with a small rear. Hmm- How Interesting! so i made him do them again then he got his reward- to munch on some long grass and poha.
  Then because all he wanted to do was trot i made him do circles. he did at least five laps before getting bored - which i bent him and let him eat just two seconds before he did. Then i decided (to keep him balanced) i asked him to trot the other way, wow! you should have seen the circle! instead of a perfect circle around a dock it was like a flower, all wobbly around the edges. Also i noticed when we got to a slight rise in the paddock and turned towards the gate he got rather straight and faster. How interesting! Suddenly i remembered Mum saying something about a sweet spot other then the gate. Oh of course!
  so as soon as our circle improved slightly and his gait stayed reasonably steady i bent him towards the middle (the 'sweet' spot) where the dock was and let him eat. i then got off leaving that on a good note.

I haven't been out taking photos because i have a cold (thanks to Ruffles lol) and its been raining loads... so HOPEFULLY this weekend i can ride too... 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the cold lol :) I didn't mean to pass it on.
    Can't wait till you get some pictures.
