Thursday, 24 May 2012

Racehorses, Falls, Frosts and Parelli Level Three Disks

I'm a slacker.. thats all i can say.. well not really, i'm sorry again folks! i keep forgetting to blog, and keep you guys updated.. but since i've finally made it on here, let me tell you about my week..

On Saturday i went riding. i walked prince down to Marilyn's place only to find that i've turned up at a wrong time. Marilyn's husband Neville was out saddling up Poppet ( the young yearling/two year old racehorse-to-be). when ever Prince came into sight she would pace backwards and forwards on the end of her lead rope (she was tied up) and her head would come up so high i was worried she would rear, and then she would neigh out to Prince. To my surprise, he only called back once.. he has such a lovely deep neigh when he is showing off to girls lol..
  so while they were saddling up i did some ground work, just the circling game (sending my horse around in circles while i stand still) and some change of directions (where Prince spins around on his hind legs in the other direction) then i walked Prince around the track with Poppet being ridden on a lead rein with Neville's daughter Diane (i think thats her name) riding in a exercise saddle.
  After two laps i got tired of walking and started riding Prince. i made sure Poppet was at least half a lap ahead of me before mounting. When i rode Prince i kept him at a walk, but he danced the whole way round and kept trying to trot on me, he wanted to catch up to Poppet. When we got back to where we started ( which is straight and flat - most of the track is a slight hill or down hill) i asked Prince to trot, which he did so promptly i got a bit worried, then he flung his head up and hunched his back. before he could react i bent his head and flew off the side.
  instead of trotting him on the ground i ran along side him, and to my surprise (i seem to be getting along of these!) he cantered along side me.. no bucks, WOO HOO! we finished up there on a good note.
  Earlier as we rode along the track i kept an eye out for Poppet and her rider.. about halfway round i noticed her rider was on the ground.. my first thought was oh no! she fell off. i found out later she did fall off.. she landed on her feet- also i learned she was a pony club rider- which explains the landing on the feet thing..
   when i'd finished with Prince i watched Neville train Poppet in the paddock. after about half an hour of lunging or so he let her off the lead for Diane to ride around.. Poppet took one look at prince and trotted down to see him and then when her rider wouldn't let her Poppet reared up and spun around (who can stay on that?) Diane went flying over Poppets head and landed on her feet again! talk about luck! apparently she fell off up the top of the paddock when they were lunging, and she landed on her back, thank goodness she was wearing a protector pad.. which she broke with those falls...
   On Monday it was so cold we had a frost.. in fact it froze Princes water trough twice! he broke it earlier on in the morning, so when i came out it was all jagged but it still had a seal of ice across the top, which i had great fun breaking it again..
  Yesterday afternoon when i came home from course i discovered a massive big box on the doorstep, YAY! so i quickly did all my jobs and took it into my 'house' and ripped it open.. my lovely mother had sent me some clothes.. thanks mum! and the whole level three Parelli set!!!!!!!! I'll have to review level two again before i get started, because i've noticed my Parelli has gone majorly downhill... i think that's because my horse has turned in to a four personality horse.. kinda hard to deal with, but VERY interesting! he used to be solely  a Left-Brain Introvert, which is you have to motivate him with grass, pats, rest and treats. Not bribe him, but when he has done something you want give him one of those rewards. Now he is everything... i'll never be bored!

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