Monday, 31 October 2011

First Snow and Second Snow in Taranaki

First Snow- Prince learnt to dig for his grass

He got tired, so i gave him some hay to keep him warm

Mt Taranaki - first snow

second snow- prince digging in what used to be long knee deep grass

the snow was soo thick it stuck to the fence wires!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been four weeks since i last rode Prince. Surprisenly he has been remarkable calm, until i shift him over, and then he comes tearing up to the fence where i've shifted him over. He bucks a couple of times as if to say “Yippee! Grass!”

i came out this morning only to find him dozing in the sun. I started to laugh when i saw his ears, they were drooped sideways. His ears shot straight up when he heard me, and he started to dance on his tiptoes as he does when he knows something interesting is gonna happen. Like me shifting him over, or giving him a massage. He LOVES those lol.

Last week i trimmed princes feet, and they look alright execpt for one foot- i munted it, took to much toe off.. ooops! But he isn't sore, so maybe i can trim them shorter then i normally do. I'll have to see.

Its been so warm lately, its awesome! I'm hoping its still sunny in Kaponga when i get home so i can clean out Princes paddock. Its been so hot that two people i know got sunburnt! Both really bad, unfortantly i didn't get anything, not even a tan!

Prince is shedding heaps, his black coat is coming through the ginger/brown winter coat. The other day i noticed his tail has been getting a bit thin, i'll have to stop brushing it.

Oh yes! A really good spray to get the knots out of horses manes and tails is silicone spray- just the stuff you get from car shops. I personally like Silicone Star as mine because its not too oily.

Well I hope to go riding this Wednesday after RDA. Fingers crossed.

Monday, 10 October 2011


Well, i had a whole page full of info and stuff that has happened this week, but i can't find it! grr! so i'll have to see if i can find anything from my horrible memory lol.
  Yesterday Prince got moved to a whole new piece of grass, and he decided that the grass was greener under the electric fence instead of on his side of the fence (it was way better on his side of the fence), so he proceeded to eat all the grass under the hot wire first and then start on the stuff on his side. Crazy horse!
  i was on one side of his wooden fence (it had an electric fence going across it to stop him pushing on it and stopping him getting injured- as it was rotten) digging up a garden.
  i picked some grass off the clumps of grass that i had dug up (no dirt on it) and held it out over the fence to him. he stopped eating under the electric fence and told me (with very obvious face expressions) that "I can't reach it mum!" his feet were about two feet away from my hot wire and his nose was one long foot away from from my hand. We were stretched out to full limits (i wish somebody took a pic!). in the end i threw it to him which he promtly ignored. Toad!
  i haven't been able to ride him for almost three weeks now so he is pinging off the paddock fences- dying to get out for a run.
  Being a Kaimanawa you would think that he wouldn't like to do much exerise. huh! its so not true! Prince loves to move ( is and beautiful mover by the way) and keep himself fit. which at the moment i am stopping him because he had lost so much weight (if he looses a tiny bit more his ribs will be showing- not good!), so he is unfit. poor boy!
  the weather is weird around Kaponga. It has been overcast, sunny, raining, thunderstorms,  and overcast again. strange aye? i just wish it was summer!